SAC Student Success Measures

San Antonio College identifies, evaluates, 并通过其战略规划过程发布与学院使命相一致的多种学生成功衡量标准. 作为一个使命驱动的机构,所有的事情都以大学的使命开始和结束. 作为学院持续改进承诺的一部分, 策略质素提升委员会(SQEC),其唯一目的是推动学院的策略计划, 审查和修订了使命宣言.


通过在全球网络社会中为不同人群提供公平的教育实践,满足所有圣安东尼奥大学学生的高等教育需求,使我们的社区获得成功. 帮助学生充分发挥潜能,为毕业做准备, transfer, 或者带着有效的批判性思维技能进入职场, communication proficiency, leadership ability, personal and civic responsibility, empirical and quantitative understanding, performance proficiency, 在团队中有效工作的能力.

Each fall and spring semesters, since 2014, 整个学院都参加了为期一天的活动,作为SAC持续改进承诺的一部分. Throughout SAC Scores day, 各部门参与战略规划的分析和评估, Student Learning Assessment, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

作为战略规划评估的一部分, participants review individual, program, division, and college-level data as appropriate. The college-level progress, on its SAC Strategic Plan, 最终记录在SAC学生成功衡量计分卡上.

During the Spring of 2019, a group of stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, administrators, trustees, community leaders, educational partners, district partners, university partners, 和地方政治领导人)参与SWOT分析, 最终确立了学院的四大战略重点:1. Student Success, 2. Principle-Centered Leadership, 3. Performance Excellence and 4. Equity. 随后,SQEC确定并发布了带有任务的SAC 2019-2022战略计划, vision, values, priorities and goals. Strategic plan goals, measures, benchmarks, targets, 每次SAC得分后,结果都会公布在SAC学生成功衡量计分卡上.

The focus of Priority 1. 学生的成功是通过以下三个目标实现的:

目标1 -实现更高的入学率, persistence, course completion rate, engagement, FTIC graduation rate, 以及所有学生群体获得的奖项(证书和学位)总数.

目标2 -实现和维持优秀的学生和学院支持服务, delivery of world-class programs, 并以高质量的教学创造最佳的学习环境.

Goal 3 – Continue to develop, assess, 并改善数据知情的途径,以支持学生的学业成功和职业规划, and to advance equity.

The Student Success Priority, Goals, 和相应的措施列于下表:学生成绩衡量标准与策略计划的一致性.


 Priority  Goal  Measure(s)


Sustain, assess, 改善学生的学习途径,优化校园环境,扩大学生进入校园的机会, increase retention, 并指导和支持学生成功完成学业.

GOAL 1: Achieve higher rates of enrollment, persistence, course completion rate, engagement, FTIC graduation rate, 以及所有学生群体获得的奖项(证书和学位)总数.


  1. Enrollment
  2. Persistence
  3. Course Completion Rate, CCR, (课程结束时的学生人数)和有效成绩率, PGR
  4. Engagement
  5. FTIC Graduation Rate
  6. 获奖总数(证书和学位)
 Priority  Goal  Measure(s)


Sustain, assess, 改善学生的学习途径,优化校园环境,扩大学生进入校园的机会, increase retention, 并指导和支持学生成功完成学业.

GOAL 2: 实现和维持优秀的学生和学院支持服务, delivery of world-class programs, 并以高质量的教学创造最佳的学习环境.


  1. Transfer Rate
  2. Employment Rate
  3. 参加高工资、高要求的项目



 Priority  Goal  Measure(s)


Sustain, assess, 改善学生的学习途径,优化校园环境,扩大学生进入校园的机会, increase retention, 并指导和支持学生成功完成学业.

GOAL 3: Continue to develop, assess, 并改善数据知情的途径,以支持学生的学业成功和职业规划, and to advance equity.


  1. AlamoADVISE个人成功计划(ISP)平均完成情况, Personal Mission Statement (MMS), Touchpoints at 15, 30, and 45 hours
  2. 参加公平培训的教职工人数

