
项目级别: Pre-Majors /转移
部门: 社会科学
研究所: 有创意的 & 沟通的艺术
大学: 缴送工作


历史 at 澳门新葡京博彩 大学 introduces students to an array of people, 时间, 和地区. Students examine a wide range of subjects from ancient and classical civilizations, 到现代世界. 


主题, which are drawn from the entire map of human experiences include creativity, 信仰, 冲突, 身份, 创新, 日常生活, 和权力. Students also learn historical literacy. They learn to evaluate evidence, 检查上下文, identify changes and continuities, and to understand complexity. They encounter traditional and new approaches to historical subjects and they are introduced to historiography.

What can I do with this course of study?

Students who already believe that the study of the past is interesting and meaningful will be encouraged. For other students, history at the college will open up new worlds of knowledge and understanding. The American Historical Association in its Careers for Students of 历史 Identifies seven careers in 历史: "classrooms', “博物馆”, 'editing and publishing', “档案”, “文物保护”, “联邦, state and local history' and consultants and contractors'. The community college provides the foundation for students who intend to earn a baccalaureate degree and graduate degrees in history. Students who intend to teach in elementary and secondary schools should also satisfy requirements for certification.

 What's special about 历史?

The 历史 Department at 澳门新葡京博彩 大学 has a long tradition of offering high-quality education.  

history at the college will open up new worlds of knowledge and understanding


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